Kiefer and Samantha | Engaged


downtown dublin ohio portrait session with stops at bridge park and pins

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

With most engagement and portraits sessions, we usually don’t meet couples beforehand, so we play a “fun game” of trying to guess who each other are. While I, Meghan, was sitting on a bench in downtown Dublin, I saw this couple skip across the cross walk and they were just such a vibe that I crossed my fingers it was them. Sure enough, it was!

I hung out with and got to know Kiefer and Samantha for a couple of hours while we walked up and down downtown Dublin and Bridge Park. The two frequent this area often and had a wealth of knowledge about the eateries, events, and history about the area. We ended our time with making a stop at Pins, which is where they had their first date, and spoke excitedly over their celebration plans in September. These two married last year on their own, but are having a reception to celebrate with their friends and family. Stay tuned for their Woodstock themed celebration and enjoy the peeks from our time together!